Sunday, August 9, 2009

Around the house

Zummi and Joslin check each other out. Jo is getting really good at holding up her head and trying to sit up. She is also working on rolling over. Patrick really wants to help her roll over so we have to keep an eye on him when she is on the floor.

Toes! Fabulous baby toes!

I had wanted to get a picture of Patrick with each of the dogs but he wouldn't sit with Zummi. He says: No- she smells! That would be courtesy of the skunk she met a few days ago.

Sidney gets a hug. She is smart and stays away from skunks. Either that or she is too old to go after them.

Patrick has a new swing!

The rest of the pictures are from the front yard or the jungle...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Pictures!!!!!

I love the 'toes' pictures. Such a cute little girl.

Wow what a high swing!! What fun.
love, lois