Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Better late than never.

I am working on posting some pics of the kids. Time...where is the time going? More to come.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Saturday morning Jason and Joslin were walking down the driveway and Joslin says "Baby owl! Baby owl!" Jason looked and sure enough- it was an owl although not a baby. It was a screech owl which is pretty small. It was sitting in our driveway looking very disoriented.
We talked with a wildlife rehabilitator and she said to put it in a box. She would meet us in Fredericktown.

Off we went with the owl! Its first car ride! We are hoping it can be rehabilitated and released back at our house. Since it is an adult the rehabilitator prefers to release it back where it was found...in familiar territory. Now we just have to hope he heals up.

The kids were really fascinated with the owl. So cool to see up close.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

More from this summer...

Patrick with his dad and grandpa in the truck. Patrick got to shift which he thought was fantastic!

Joslin and Patrick found several of the "Pig and Wolf" statues around Hanover.

Metting up with some friends that moved to Rochester. It was the perfect place to stop on our way to NH. Dinner out, friends to play with. The drive that day was well worth it!

Blazin' hot at the Knox Co. Fair. We couldn't miss the school bus races!

On the way home from a neighborhood music fest...

Watching some cartoons with Sampson.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Where does time go? Kitchen sink Ice Cream treats, the pool, T-ball, wrestling on the couch... Zip, zam, zoom and the summer is over and it is time for school. I have more pictures and stories to share but the formatting of the blog is fighting me. They will have to wait.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Welcome Home

Getting ready to welcome Jason and the group home from D.C. Patrick was so glad to have Jason home.

A visit to the Children's Garden.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Art show

Patrick's art...

Tea Party

Sampson was invited to a tea party. He politely attended and said he enjoyed the tea and orange juice. Despite the wonderful time, he plans to decline further invitations...unless cornered on the couch again.
Mmmm, tea.
What a patient kitty.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Finally more time for pics.

If someone is moving there are going to be boxes to play in! Packing peanuts are always so fun.

Time to read!

Our flight home. Patrick and Joslin both watch out the window before takeoff. Patrick says the flights were awesome. He liked landing and taking off the best.
I love this picture!
Snow greeted us when we returned...back to winter in OH.
Baby Jo helps Daddy with some trim in Patrick's room.

Patrick would like to say something:
I went outside in the snow in my shorts.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sierra Vista

I would recommend everyone take a trip to Arizona in the winter. What a wonderful place to be when it is cold and snowy at home.
We visited the park near Heather and Lee's home several times. Patrick got me, Heather, Jason, Lee to go down the slide. Fun!
Joslin and Patrick having a snack. Joslin mastered climbing on and off the stool quite well even though she made us nervous each time.

A trip to Tombstone.
LOVE those blue skies...

Tombstone...Jason wanted to visit. It was not quite what he expected but it was fun. We went to some shops and had lunch. Joslin and Patrick had gigantic hot dogs for lunch. Holy mackerel. We didn't do the reinactment but we did see some people dressed up in period costumes. Patrick was very impressed with the bandaleros some of them were wearing. I thought it would be fun to ride in the stagecoach but Patrick said "Nah, no thanks."

Heather and Lee have some really nice neighbors (Kari, Dan and Nash).
Knowing Jason is a gun fan, Dan made plans to take the guys out shooting. They all piled into Dan's truck and headed out to the wilderness for some target shooting.
On a side note- Nash was so wonderful. He played with Patrick and let him borrow some toys. He was so patient with Patrick and all of his questions. A great kid!
Jason helps Patrick with a bolt action, single shot .22. This is the first time Patrick has shot a gun. I really know nothing about guns except I am afraid of them. So- this is a past time he will have to share with his dad. Anyway- he aimed...

...and got a bullseye!
Patrick poses next to the target with his shell casing.
While the guys were shooting the ladies went to San Pedro Conservation Area. We went back later for pictures.

A visit to Fort Huachuca
More on the trip later...