Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Turtle Nest

Back and still recovering from a week on Oak Island. We celebrated my parents wedding anniversary...40 years!

The porch and walkway to the beach from the house. Meredith, Patrick, Madeline, Jason and Joslin head out.
Jason and Joslin head over the dune to the beach.
Align Right
Patrick and Meredith enjoy the waves.

Papa reads a book to the kids before their first night in NC.

A trip on the ferry over to Kure Beach to visit the aquarium.

After the aquarium we went to eat in Wilmington. Joslin says arms up everyone!
(I love little baby arms!)

One of the coolest things- One night a turtle had come ashore to make her nest! There are nest watchers that patrol the beach and they had already been out to mark the nest but we could still see her tracks up and down the beach. We saw a total of 3 marked nests but only one was actually laid while we were there. So amazing.

Mama turtle tracks in the sand.

Patrick in his little race car! Who needs a castle?

Joslin says there are very important things to look at down there!

One night we let the kids stay up way too late and we went crab hunting (or screaming)! There are ghost crabs all over the beach. We would spot them with a flashlight and the kids would go running after them. Occasionally we were able to catch one before it scurried into the ocean. Lots of squeals and excitement each time one was spotted. The crabs were lucky- none of the kids wanted to touch them and they were all returned to the beach.

Chasing after a crab!

Papa brought a big squirt gun down thinking he would surprise the kids one day as they returned from the beach. Patrick got a hold of it though. He hid behind the towels hanging on the railing and waited for Papa to come up to rinse off his feet. Fortunately, Papa does not hear really well so he could not hear Patrick giggling. Patrick popped out from behind the towels and started squirting Papa! Papa had the advantage of the hose but Patrick was persistent and got Papa at close range until the squirt gun was empty. Lots of laughing and giggles!

We also did some shopping, ate out, took a kayaking trip and relaxed... I actually read 4 books while were there! (Thanks Kami!) A wonderful vacation with excellent company.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Introducing the new ladies in the family!

We picked up the chickens today! Patrick, Joslin and I drove up to Polk to the Meyer Hatchery and picked up our 6 Golden Buffs. The guy carried all 6 chickens to the truck- 3 in each hand. They rode home in one of our dog crates.

Once we got home we let them cool off in the shade while we put their water and food in the coop. Kitten came to check them out too which the chickens did not like one bit.

They are very fun to watch. Patrick likes to open the door and watch them. It is like a new TV!

We have thrown two spiders and a worm in there for them as a treat. They will stay in the coop for a few days while they settle in and decide this is where they are going to live.
We are still thinking of names. I like Scratch. Patrick likes Fredbob or Belle.
Bring on fresh eggs!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Turtle and coop

Our neighbor found a turtle and thought the kids would enjoy watching it a bit. Also, J has been busy with the coop. It is looking good!

Jason's helper...

Barn girl