Monday, April 20, 2009

A little of everything

We are almost 2 weeks out from the arrival of Joslin and it has gone by so quickly. We were home in time for Easter and loved having the family up to celebrate. Joslin has been sleeping and eating like a real champ. Jason has been a huge help and having family out has been invaluble. My parents watched Patrick the night Joslin was born. Ted and Lois were out too and watched Patrick while we were in the hospital.
The flowers were on the altar at church on Easter Sunday in honor of Joslin's birth. They are so pretty!
Madeline, Meredith and Patrick get ready for the Easter Egg Hunt! It was a little chilly but they had a good time finding eggs. Laura and Jason hid some eggs under some leaves. Chris and I helped hide eggs the trees, in the grass. It was fun!

Patrick shows off some of the goodies he found in an Easter egg.

A school field trip to a sheep farm!
This was Patrick's first official field trip. They visited a sheep farm in Gambier. They have one llama that helps guard the sheep. Patrick stepped right up to offer it some grain.

A baby lamb!

Patrick works on a building project at his new workbench courtesy of Grammie and Grampa Frazer.

Patrick loves, loves, loves his new sister. He likes to help burp her and just laughs when she lets a good one out. He wants to hold the baby and is very attentive to her. He is also a good helper to me. Patrick likes to check on the baby and tells people how cute she is.

Ahhh- mud puddles!

Heather and Lee came out for a visit this weekend. It has been great having them here to play with Patrick and hold the baby. Heather and Joslin had a nice nap together this afternoon in the recliner. Nothing beats holding a cuddly warm sleeping baby!

A brunch date with a fabulous high school friend. Cherstin was in town and I was so glad we were able to get together even though it was for a short time.
Cool 3-D glasses! These came with some sidewalk chalk Patrick got. Heather and Lee helped him get some pictures on the front porch.
So- wow. Almost 2 weeks as a family of 4. Jason said the other night that he really felt complete with our family. We have been blessed with 2 fabulous children and a wonderful family.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Joslin Ann

We are haning out at the hospital waiting to hear from the doc so I thought I would post some pics. First we have Meredeith and Joslin. Both the girls really wanted to hold the baby and they both did a great job. Meredeith did keep sliding off the chair but she did great.
Aunt Laura did not actually get to hold the baby after the birth. She stuck around for a little bit but had to hit the road before she got a turn. Finally yesterday she got to hold the baby. Shortly after snuggling in with her Laura said "We need a baby. We need a dog and a baby."

Madeline and the baby. Madeline had to cover her sparkly shirt since the baby wasn't too keen on the sparkles. Once the cloth went over the shirt the two of them sat rather nicely together.

Under the bili lights. This little bili-bed is not Joslin's favorite place to be. Who can blame her? She would rather be snuggled in someone's arms or swaddled up. We do have another bili light to use when nursing but she gets more coverage in the little bed. We think she looks rather cool in her shades!

Happy Birthday Joslin! Can you tell Patrick was excited to hold his little sister? He got to come back to see her about an hour after she was born and could not wait to hold her. He already wants to burp her and give her a bath all by himself.

Mommy getting some Patrick love!

So that's what I have got so far. We are hoping to head home today but have to wait on the doc and see what he says about the jaundice. We are so thankful to have our families here to help out and feel very blessed to have this new little addition in our lives. Let the adventures begin!
Oh yeah- In case you didn't hear Joslin Ann was born April 8 at 5:46 pm. 9 pounds 11 ounces adnd 21.5 inches long. Dr. Sullivan said if we have another one there is no way he is letting me go to 41 weeks. That is a big baby! And we love every bit of her already!