Friday, June 12, 2009


Jason and Patrick found this box turtle while walking in the back field. How cool!

Joslin is practicing sticking out her tongue. Plus- Patrick loves to have his picture taken!

This large tree had fallen near where the guys hang out when they aren't shooting. It made a perfect fire pit for roasting marshmallows. We were introduced to smores with Reese's cups instead of plain chocolate. YUM!

Adam, Ethan, Savannah and Patrick. Aren't they cute holding hands!

Patrick and Denis chat. Patrick really likes Denis even though we don't get to see him very often. Oh yeah- Andrea went to hang on the swing too but she must have fallen off.


Unknown said...

I love the one of Denis and Patrick on the bench, and of Patrick with Joslin sticking her tongue out--such cuties! Thanks for posting!

Nana/Mom said...

Hello Taffy, beautiful family-Patsi