Friday was a long day for Patrick because trick or treating did not start until after nap time. That is an eternity for a 3-year-old! Once he woke up(not until almost 4!) we headed to the church to drop off the bread for Hot Meals. Several of the people that volunteer on Friday nights wanted to see Patrick in his costume so we parked in the alley behind the church and changed Patrick into his fabulous bat costume.
He was a big hit with everyone in the kitchen and even scored some candy! Next we headed over to the Diehl's for a night of trick-or-treating. Several other families that live in the "country" all met up for a group effort. Of the kids we had Patrick, Elizabeth, Alex, Charlotte, Spencer, Makenna, Ella, Andrew, Ben and Sam. The kids headed out in a large mass ready to fill their buckets with so much candy it was ridiculous. They were all so good about saying trick-or-treat and they worked really hard at saying thank you. A few times when they would all come trouping back to the sidewalk the parents would ask if they remembered to say "Thank you!" A few of the kids would say Oops! and run back to the house just to say it. Very cute. Patrick was very excited to get suckers and liked showing his candy to people that passed by and even to the people handing out the candy. We had wonderful weather and there were a lot of people handing out candy. One poor guy sitting at the end of his driveway is sure to wake up very soon with a cold. There were 4 kids gathered around his bowl and they were all coughing. Sorry about that! Patrick enjoyed chatting with people about his costume and the candy he had gathered. He would explain that he was not a scary bat and that he had bat wings under his arms. He also told people he could not really fly- just pretend.After the little kids had been out for about 45 minutes we headed back to the Diehl's and ate some yummy food. The kids got to sample a few items from their buckets and then they all played and played and played. They were in the basement. Then they were in the family room. Then they were up in Elizabeth's room(making a huge mess!) and then back to the basement. They were all having a ball! When it was time to leave there were many tears on Patrick's part. One of the little girls offered to let Patrick spend the night at her house. How sweet! Saturday night was the grownups turn for some Halloween fun. Jason and I went to a Halloween party at the Conway's dressed as a 50s housewife and the milkman. There were some great costumes- someone dressed up as the Financial bailout and his wife had pork around the bottom of her outfit. Sarah Palin as she is now and as a beauty queen, John McCain, Woody, Goose from Top Gun, 80's couple...even Todd Palin made an appearance. By the way- the Conway's garage floor was so clean we could have eaten off of it! It literally shined! Sunday evening we headed over to my parents house for dinner. My sister and her family came also. We all wanted to get together before mom has her back surgery Tuesday...kind of a last supper kind of thing. Once she has the surgery she will be in the hospital for 5 to 7 days so we wanted to all get together before her recovery begins. Tuesday we also have our ultrasound! Weee!
1 comment:
Wow! I love the cute bat costume. It's always so fun to see small kids trick or treating. To bad you didn't have a picture of the costumes the 2 of you wore. It sounded funny. Great idea! I hope your mom recovers well. And I can't wait to hear all about your altrasound! AWESOME!!
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